Fifth Grade Notes (Mrs. Hernandez)

October 3, 2014


The Plains Natives sometimes  used pictures to record information or to tell stories. For students to understand this concept, Mrs. Hernandez asked students to make a manuscript using Native American symbols. Please ask your son to explain their art work, what each symbol means, and why were these chosen.







October 1, 2014

Social Studies

The US Constitution

constitution signing

  • What is the US Constitution? The US Constitution is a written plan (or laws) that says how our government is to be organized and run.
  • Why do we need to understand the Constitution? We need to understand our Constitution to know our rights and responsibilities as citizens.
  • These are guaranteed by the US Constitution:
    • Right to have any religious belief
    • Right to have a lawyer when arrested for a crime
    • Members of the Senate for election
    • The president of the US cannot stop an election from being held
    • 18  year old citizens can vote



Constitution, Constitution
The law that’s supreme all across the Union
Constitution, Constitution
The founders agreed we would need a solution
It’s a great work, the framework of our nation
It’s a great work, one of the greatest on paper
Constitution, Constitution
The law that’s supreme all across the Union

September 17, 1787
In the Pennsylvania statehouse, a meeting was ending
A secret convention, delegates from twelve states
Here’s what they came up with after months of debates:

We the people of the United States
Claim justice, liberty, all that relates
In the Preamble, lots of pride you’ll find
The mission statement of what the founders designed

Following the Preamble, there are seven articles
First one says who makes the laws and rules
It’s the Legislative Branch, that’s what their job is
House and Senate both, known as the Congress

The leader we choose through Article II
Is the president, executive power ensues
As Commander in Chief, with the ability
To the guide the country through war and treaty

You’ll see from Article III, we have Judiciary
That means the courts that can punish or set free
And if there’s ever the question: “Is this law constitutional?”
Well, ask the Supreme Court, it should know


To create a new state in the land we adore
Congress must agree, reads Article IV
All these states work together, yes the Union is one
A brotherhood to protect from invasion

Article Five could be why this work has survived
It says we can change it to keep with the times
2/3 of the House and of the Senate
Plus approval from the states makes a new amendment

Every judge and every court must understand
Constitution is supreme law of the land
And elected officials must agree with this list
Vowing to an oath, part of Article VI

Well, the seventh and the last of the articles we sing about
Is about how the Constitution came about
When nine states signed it and were satisfied
That’s when it could take effect, what we call ratified

These seven articles are the foundation
Layers of guidelines that help build our nation
First Congress meeting would lead to something bright
The ten amendments, known as the Bills of Rights




Liberty’s Kids Episode #40: We the People


  •  Vocabulary:
    • civic



September 8, 2014

Where does respiration happen?

Cellular respiration occurs in mitochondria. Mitochondria provide the energy that plant and animal cells need to grow and to repair themselves. this is ehy they are known as the power houses of the cell.


A typical cell holds about 1,000 mitochondria. Oxygen and sugar produced during photosynthesis enter the cell and go into the mitochondria. The mitochondria use oxygen to break down the stored carbohydrates to release energy. Carbon dioxiued and water are also released as products of this reaction.

IN the mitochondria, the released energy is changed into a substance called ATP. The ATP is like a battery.



September 3, 2014


(to download and print this page, click Human_Body_System_Notes_Sept_3_2014)

illustrations will be added later


Circulatory System

  1. Provides oxygen to body
  2. Get rid of carbon dioxide
  3. Exchanges nutrients and waste

Parts: heart, arteries, vessels

Respiratory System

  1. Lungs change carbon dioxide and oxygen in body cells
  2. Make sugar to provide energy

Digestive System:

  1. The food we eat is broken down by acids
  2. Small intestine removes nutrients
  3. Large intestine removes water

Parts: stomach, large intestines, small intestines

Excretory System:

  1. Removes waste from body, also food and water
  2. Bladder stores water
  3. Kidney cleans blood

Parts: kidney, ureter, bladder © 2015 Frontier Theme
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