for the STUDENTS

Reading / Language Arts

  • Accelerated Reading: this site is for Sunny Brae students only; accessible everyday including weekends
  • AR Book Finder: find books with AR quizzes
  • Book Reviews:
  • BookShare: Bookshare’s® goal is to make the world of print accessible to students with exceptional needs
  • California Treasures: eConsultant site
  • California Treasures (student resources: spelling, vocabulary, research, unit theme resources)
  • California Treasures (requires a username and password provided by your teachers)
  • High Frequency Words (Fry and Dolch)(total of 320 words)
    • High Frequency Words – Untimed: (click to download this PowerPoint file. The slides have to be manually changed by either a clicker or a mouse)
    • High Frequency Words Timed: (click to download this PowerPoint file. The slides automatically change after 2 seconds. The pre-set time can be changed.)
  • Language!
  • LA Times eNewspaper sign in page: Read the LA Times in Education
  • MOBYmax
  • Puzzle Me Words: is a fun, educational game designed for kindergarten and first-grade students. The game reinforces letter sounds by having students combine letters to form words for the pictures they see (e.g., pig and hat). Scootie, a talking school bus, reads the words aloud, further reinforcing the letter sounds. As students complete each round, they earn a new puzzle piece toward their prize puzzle: a coloring sheet that they can print, color, and display proudly at home or in school.
  • RAZ Kids: Online Leveled Books Library
  • Spelling City: This site holds spelling and vocabulary games.
  • Unique Learning System: the only online, dynamic, standards-based curriculum specifically designed for special learners
  • Vocabulary A-Z: The Perfect Tool to Improve Vocabulary
  • Voyager Learning (for Voyager and Language! assessments)



  • FOSS: Full Option Science System
  • Science Buddies: The award-winning, non-profit Science Buddies empowers K-12 students, parents, and teachers to quickly and easily find free project ideas and help in all areas of science from physics to food science and music to microbiology. Whether your goal is to find a fun science activity for your kids or win the international science fair, puts comprehensive, scientist-authored tools, tips, and techniques at your fingertips.
  • The World’s Biomes

Social Studies

  • Ben’s Guide to US Government for Kids: This site provides learning tools for K-12 students, parents, and teachers. These resources will teach how our government works, the use of the primary source materials of GPO Access, and how one can use GPO Access to carry out their civic responsibilities. And, just as GPO Access provides locator services to U.S. Government sites, Ben’s Guide provides a similar service to U.S. Government Web sites developed for kids.
  • Scott-Foresman’s Site for Social Studies: (needs username and password)(please ask your teacher for the username and password)

Other Resources

  • 40 Developmental Assets: The basic building blocks of positive development, these 40 positive experiences and qualities help children grow up to become caring, responsible adults
  • FunBrain: site for online educational games for kids of all ages. (math, grammar, science, spelling, history)
  • LAUSD Kids
  • LAUSD Digital Library: offers subscription paid sites to students. These are accessible only in LAUSD schools.
  • LAUSD kids page: On this page LAUSD ITD (Information Technology Division) offers some tools to help students connect to the resources made available to enhance the learning experience.
  • Poptropica: a virtual world for kids to travel, play games, compete in head-to-head competition, and communicate safely. Kids can also read books, comics, and .….
  • Typing
  • BBC Typing Mat


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