Patriotic Songs

The following songs are some of the patriotic songs we sing in the classroom as part of our morning routine. As part of the Fifth Grade California Content Standards for History – Social Studies (#5.7.6), students should know songs that express American ideals (e.g. America, the Beautiful; Star Spangled Banner).

Star Spangled Banner

America, the Beautiful

America (My Country Tis of Thee)

You’re a Grand Old Flag (with vocals)

You’re a Grand Old Flag (without vocals)

This Land Is Your Land

I Love You California

(the official song of the state of California)




Veterans’ and Memorial Day

Thank You, Soldier

This is Still the Land of the Free

I Still Believe

Heroes’ Song



Thankful for the USA

We are Thankful


Patriotic Songs Playlist


Kind‐Hearted Hand: Kindness Matters