Multiplication Songs


Songs That Teach


  1. You Need a Strategy
  2. The Zero Property
  3. It’s Always the Same Number
  4. The Order Doesn’t Matter
  5. The Skip Counting Song
  6. Facts of 1
  7.  Facts of 2
  8. Facts of 3
  9. Facts of 4
  10. Facts of 5
  11. Facts of 6
  12. Facts of 7
  13. Facts of 8
  14. Facts of 9
  15. Facts of 10
  16. Facts of 11
  17. Facts of 12
  18. Multiplication Rap for the Experts (With Answers)
  19. Multiplication Rap for the Experts (Without Answers)


Multiplication Songs: Learning is Fun with Music


  1. Want To Multiply
  2. Zero & One
  3. Little Two Step
  4. Come By and Multiply Three
  5. When I was Four
  6. Five Jive
  7. Nifty Six
  8. Cha Cha With My Seven
  9. I’m Late For Eight
  10. Rock N’ Roll Nine
  11. Ten Salsa © 2015 Frontier Theme
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