- Third Grade: The words in this PowerPoint slideshow are the same words that third grade students have on their word fluency sheets. This slideshow is like an electronic flash card. I want my students to develop automaticity. When presented with a word, they should be able to read the word quickly without sounding out the word. With improved reading fluency, students will hopefully improve reading comprehension. These files need a PowerPoint viewer / software in your computer or a PowerPoint or slideshow app in your smartphone.
- High Frequency Words 1-20
- High Frequency Words_21-40
- High_Frequency_Words_41-60
- High_Frequency_Words_61-80
- High_Frequency_Words_81-100
- High_Frequency_Words_101-120
- High_Frequency_Words_121-140
- High_Frequency_Words_141-160
- High_Frequency_Words_161-180
- High_Frequency_Words_181-200
- High_Frequency_Words_201-220
- High_Frequency_Words_221-247
- Fourth and Fifth Grade. Below are all the files we will be using for the entire school year. I did not create these PowerPoint slideshows. I downloaded these from a site and credit goes to Richard Swallow, Technology Coordinator, Vista Square Elementary School, Chula Vista City School District, Chula Vista, California.
- High Frequency Phrases