
Science Standards

Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)  

Content Integrated Units (for Fourth and Fifth Grade)

FOSS Science

  • FOSS: Full Option Science System: this site is a password protected site. Students have online access to this site with usernames and passwords.


Third Grade

FOSS3Matter and Energy: The Matter and Energy Module consists of four sequential investigations to introduce the multiple forms that matter and energy can take and to give students experience with the transfer of energy from one form to another. Light absorption and reflection is the focus of an entire investigation. Students also conduct and observe chemical reactions and are introduced to atoms and elements.

Structures of Life: The Structures of Life Module consists of four investigations dealing with observable characteristics of organisms. Students observe, compare, categorize, and care for a selection of organisms, and in so doing they learn to identify properties of plants and animals and to sort and group organisms on the basis of observable properties. Students investigate structures of the organisms and learn how some of the structures function in growth and survival.

Sun, Moon, and Stars: The Sun, Moon, and Stars Module consists of three sequential investigations, each designed to introduce students to objects we see in the sky. Through outdoor observations made during the day and at night, active simulations, readings, videos, and discussions, students study the Sun, Moon, and stars to learn that these objects move in regular and predictable patterns that can be observed, recorded, and analyzed.

Fourth Grade


EnvironmentsThe study of the relationships between one organism and its environment builds knowledge of all organisms. With this knowledge comes an awareness of limits. Such knowledge is important because humans can change environments. To do so without awareness of possible consequences can lead to disasters because all living things depend on the conditions in their environment. The Environments Module consists of five investigations that focus on the concepts that all organisms need energy and matter to live and grow and living organisms depend on one another and on their environment for their survival.

Magnetism & ElectricityThe Magnetism and Electricity Module consists of five sequential investigations, each designed to introduce or reinforce concepts in physical science. Students experience magnetism and electricity as related effects and learn useful applications of magnetism and electricity in everyday life.

Solid Earth The Solid Earth Module consists of five sequential investigations, each designed to introduce or reinforce concepts in earth science. The investigations provide students with firsthand experiences with rocks and minerals, and modeling experiences to study changes to rocks and minerals at Earth’s surface.

Fifth Grade


Living Systems: The Living Systems Module consists of three sequential investigations, each designed to introduce students to transport systems in multicellular organisms. Students use readings, videos, and investigations to study the circulatory, respiratory, digestive, and excretory systems in humans and the vascular system in plants. They conduct and analyze controlled experiments related to these systems.

Mixtures and Solutions: Chemistry is the study of the structure of matter and the changes or transformations that take place in it. Learning about the makeup of substances gives us knowledge about how things go together and how they can be taken apart. Learning about changes in substances is important for several reasons: changes can be controlled to produce new materials; changes can give off energy to run machines. The Mixtures and Solutions Module has four investigations that introduce students to these fundamental ideas in chemistry.

Water Planet: The Water Planet Module consists of five sequential investigations, each designed to introduce or reinforce concepts in earth science. The investigations start with Earth in the solar system, and then focus on the dynamics of weather and water cycling in Earth’s atmosphere.


  • Science_of_Everyday_Life: provided by 3M and Discovery Channel, studenta enter a world of cool science through brain boggling games and virtual investigations!
  • Science Netlinks: Developed by the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Science NetLinks provides resources for K-12 teachers and students. The site includes lesson plans, interactives, hands-on activities and reviewed resources, all of which provide opportunities to bring science and technology discovery into the classroom. Science NetLinks resources are matched to Project 2061’s Benchmarks for Science Literacy.

Online Resources for FOSS Science

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