Classroom Apps for iPads and Android Tablets

The following are some of the apps that you may download if you have an iPad or an Android tablet. Most of these apps are free but there are some apps that I have to buy as I find it necessary to purchase them. The free versions are not enough.

Utility Apps

  • Book2Go: This free app allows BookShare account holders to access printed books. The student can listen to books read aloud.

  • Edmodo: This free allows students to have a platform for collaborative work and also a virtual classroom.
  • Handout Classroom: This free app allows teachers to distribute handouts without making copies. The students can answer these handouts and these can be turned in to the teacher for grading. No more copying! No paper waste!
  • Lexia Core 5: Lexia Reading Core5 provides explicit, systematic, personalized learning in the six areas of reading instruction, and delivers norm-referenced performance data and analysis without interrupting the flow of instruction to administer a test.  Designed specifically to meet the Common Core and the most rigorous state standards, this research-proven, technology-based approach accelerates reading skills development, predicts students’ year-end performance and provides teachers data-driven action plans to help differentiate instruction. This app focuses on the following:
    • Phonological Awareness
    • Phonics
    • Structural Analysis
    • Automaticity / Fluency
    • Vocabulary
    • Comprehension
  • To download this app: (Your child has the username and password.)


  • Puffin: This is not free but this flash based browser app allows your Android tablet or iPad to access flash based online content like STMath and other interactive websites. Cost: $3.99
  • QR Code Reader: This free app can be likened to a bar code reader used in groceries upon checking out. This app allows the user to go to the website without typing a very long web address. You will be seeing these in my room when visiting specially during Open House. My bulletin boards will become more multimedia and more interactive with these apps.
  • Seesaw App: Seesaw is a student-driven digital portfolio that empowers students (as young as 5!) to independently create, capture, and store artifacts of learning.

  • Vizzle Player: The VizZle Player (TM) is a kid-friendly environment that allows educators and parents to launch interactive instructional lessons for children who learn best from visually supported materials (e.g. children with autism, in early education, or typical children with a visual learning style). VizZle Player was designed using exclusively licensed intellectual property stemming from research proving the efficacy of a visual language-based approach to educating students with autism. It is also equally effective for any student who learns best visually.
  • Vizzle

Reading Language Arts

  • Accelerated Reader: This free app allows your child to take AR quizzes after reading a book to be tested for reading comprehension and vocabulary. School code: SBAES-C7KF
    • for Apple devices
    • for Android devices
    • AR+app


Math Apps

  • Addition: This free app drill students from simple 1-digit problems to more advanced multi-digit problems.
    • addition!!
  • Subtraction: This free app drill students from simple 1-digit problems to more advanced multi-digit problems.
    • subtraction!!
  • Multiplication!!: This free app drills students from 1 digit multiplication to 2 digit multiplication.
    • multiplication
  • Division!!: This free app drills students from simple 1-digit problems to more advanced 2-digit problems.
    • DivisionApp
  • XtraMath app: 
  • Prodigy Game: Over 1000 crucial math skills for grades 1 – 8: Prodigy has content from all major topics and will seamlessly cover Grades 1 – 8 to help ensure your students are ready for standardized testing.
  • Matific: Matific takes a unique approach to teaching K to 6 math using hands-on and interactive mini-games, called episodes. These immersive bite-sized apps for tablets and personal computers are based on a modular and progressive spiral learning system. This app can also be tweaked to align with the district’s math curriculum, MyMath. (This app is no longer free!)

  • McGraw-Hill ConnectEd app: This app is for California Treasures as well as MyMath. With the same log-in, your child will have access to both curricula. For technical support, click here.
  • Number Bond Blasters: This free app allows students in kindergarten through fifth grade to practice math facts with number bonds. This game is aligned to the Common Core State Standards and will have students fluently adding and subtracting or multiplying and dividing at their level.
  • Chicken Coop: A more fun way to teach students of putting fractions on a number line. © 2015 Frontier Theme
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